Being on the executive board for ISAP (Information Systems and Analytics Professionals) at Ohio University involves planning, organizing, and managing events that benefit students interested in information systems and analytics. As an exec member, you work collaboratively with other members on exec to create opportunities for members to connect with industry professionals, enhance their technical and analytical skills, and learn about the industry.
Beyond the professional connections and events, being on exec is a hands-on way to build leadership and teamwork skills. Working together to bring these ideas to life challenges you to communicate effectively, make group decisions, and adapt when plans need to change.
As President, your primary goal is to keep ISAP on track. You hold pre-exec, exec and general meetings, create the vision for the future and solve any problems.
Vice President of Operations
In this role you are responsible for organizing weekly meetings that are both fun and informative. Focus on creating engaging content and opportunities for members to connect and network. This role also involves setting up professional development workshops to help members enhance their skills and career prospects
Vice President of Marketing
In this role, you are responsible for managing communications and marketing within the organization and externally to future recruits, the COB, and alumni. Furthermore, you help manage and overview social events that are planned, receive updates for trip planning, and advise what documents are posted on the website and content shared on social media.
Web Administrator
The web administrator is responsible for maintaining the website, updating event information, and ensuring that content is current and relevant for club members and potential recruits. This includes regularly updating the club’s calendar so members and prospective recruits can easily access event details, meeting schedules, and important deadlines. Additionally, the administrator brainstorms new ways to make the website a valuable tool, enhancing its usefulness and engagement for the ISAP community.
Director of Professional Development
As director of professional professional development the primary role this semester was to develop ISAP+, a badging system for our members to not only gain more experience in different areas but also to have credible training in areas like AI, cybersecurity, and Analytics. Your role also includes planning professional workshops, resume building, and leading panels with experienced professionals.
As Treasurer, you keep track of all the finances for the organization. Such as, who has paid dues and the funding for the organization. The treasurer also plans any fundraising activities for ISAP.
Social Chair
Plan and execute social events ranging from welcoming parties to date parties. Manage to get people involved in the organization outside of just weekly meetings.
As secretary, you document notes during weekly executive meetings and manage schedules to keep all members up to date. You will also facilitate communication among exec members to ensure alignment on current projects. Additionally, you should available to assist with other tasks as needed.
Director of Company Relations
As the director of company relations, the biggest responsibility is to plan company visits. And reach out to companies. Over half of our meetings historically have been company visits. If we can't get a company then, with the exec board, the director is responsible for planning the meeting and find out what we are doing.
Director of Membership
As Director of Membership, you wear several hats. One of the biggest responsibilities is sending out weekly emails and GroupMe messages about membership events and the weekly meetings. Other responsibilities include taking attendance and managing the membership roster, recruitment, collaborating with other exec members, and potentially tabling events to promote ISAP.
Director of Advertising
As Director of Advertising, you will focus on creating content to inform members and enhance ISAP's image. The primary responsibilities include designing social media posts for Instagram and LinkedIn, as well as developing presentations, flyers, and other materials to spread ISAP's message across campus. Being comfortable with Canva is important, as it is the main platform used for crafting advertisements and content. This position offers a fun way to get involved with ISAP while also tapping into creativity to design engaging posts and materials.
Director of Trip Planning
As Director of Trip Planning, you will perform a lot of small tasks related to planning networking trips. You communicate with faculty, the exec board, contacts, and restaurants/event spaces to ensure that events are organized and that the trip runs smoothly. It is a lot of herding cats and managing the inevitable disasters that occur, but it is also a lot of fun.